



五年制复习学期: 2027年秋季
学期结束: 2028年秋季

目录描述: This course introduces students to the four basic fields of 人类学 consisting of Physical 人类学, 文化人类学, 考古, 和语言人类学. Anthropologists seek to understand what it means to be human by 考试ining the physical and 文化 factors that have influenced the origin, 发展, 以及人类的行为. 通识教育学分和可变学分都可以获得. 满足社会科学通识教育的要求, the class must be taken for 3 credits; however, 紧急情况下提供1-2个可变选修学分.

信贷/时间要求: Credit: 1-3; 讲座: 1-3; Lab: 0

先决条件: N/A

并修课程: N/A

的理由本课程旨在向学生介绍物理, 考古, 语言, and 文化 anthropological topics that will engage students and increase their awareness of 人性的多样性. ANTH 1000 satisfies the Social Science (SS) requirement for General Education at 雪的大学 and will transfer as general education or elective credit. 其他USHE院校也开设类似课程. 在ANTH 1000, 学生将发展对过去的理解, 现在, 以及与人类和周围社会世界有关的未来因素和问题.

1: A student who completes the GE curriculum has a fundamental knowledge of human cultures and the natural world. 把人类学统一起来的线索是它对理解人类行为的关注, 群体和文化, 以及人类在自然界的地位. 重点将放在史前, 原始的, 以及现代人类的经验以及当前关于人类文化的思想和研究, 起源和行为. 学生可以阅读课堂材料并讨论这些概念, applying 文化 knowledge and awareness to anthropological subjects and linking them to personal life experiences. 这种理解和知识的表达将在论文项目中被要求学生, 小测验, 和/或考试.

2: 完成GE课程的学生可以有效地阅读和研究学科. Class topics and subjects will be based on textbook readings and other source materials that are assigned to prompt critical thinking and student discussion. 学生对该内容的评价和解读将在课堂讨论中建立, 测验和考试. 另外, essay work will provide students the chance to research anthropological sources and demonstrate their ability to connect this research to their own personal lives.

3: A student who completes the GE curriculum can draw from multiple disciplines to address complex problems. 人类学, with its emphasis on holistic human interconnectedness allows students to use multiple disciplines 分析 and address complex 文化 human issues and problems. 借鉴生物学、政治学、经济学、历史学、心理学、人类发展等., 本课程的学生将在测验中解答相关的人类学问题, 考试, 还有书面作业.

4: 完成GE课程的学生可以进行分析性、批判性和创造性的推理. 人类学 asks students to think critically about their sense of global citizenship and seek to understand the basic 文化 unity and interconnectedness of humanity in its past, 现在, 和将来形式. 课堂讨论 and relevant readings will provide the basis for exercises in anthropological 分析 and will be evaluated in 课堂讨论, 论文项目, 测验和/或考试.

1: Anthropological readings and 课堂讨论 will expose students to the long 历史 and scope of human societal institutions and patterns that have created the 文化 structure we see in today's world. 通过课堂参与, 论文项目, 测验和/或考试, 学生将能够检查和展示人类行为和社会的贡献.  Anthropological readings and 课堂讨论 will expose students to the long 历史 and scope of human societal institutions and patterns that have created the 文化 structure we see in today's world. 通过课堂参与, 论文项目, 测验和/或考试, 学生将能够检查和展示人类行为和社会的贡献.

2: Develop and communicate hypothetical explanations for individual human behavior within the large-scale historical or social context. Students will explore the global causes and consequences of past and 现在 human actions through discussion and 考试ination of 案例研究 in each of the four basic fields of anthropology. 论文项目, 小测验, 和/或考试 will provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their knowledge and provide explanations for the complexity and patterns of human behavior.

3: Draw on the social and behavioral sciences to evaluate contemporary problems using social science research methodology. 通过研究多样性, 历史, 以及全球文化的当代问题, 本课程将允许学生识别和评估过去, 当前的, and practical uses of anthropological methods and perspectives in approaching real-world problems and solutions. 通过课堂讨论, 测验和/或考试, students will demonstrate their ability to think critically about local and global human challenges.

4: 描述和分析比较社会, 政治, 经济, 文化, 地理, 以及不同于自己的历史背景和进程. 用人类学的整体焦点, students will be exposed in readings and 课堂讨论 to a variety of 当前的 and historical global human settings and human processes that will challenge their assumptions and experiences. 仔细分析人类条件的多样性将显示在学生的论文项目, 测验和/或考试.

5: 解释并运用社会科学方法检验研究问题并得出结论. Students will explore anthropological theories and methodologies across sub-disciplines comparing human behavior cross 文化ly. 教科书学习和额外阅读将允许对人种学数据进行检查, 案例研究, 以及该领域的争议. 课堂讨论, 测验和/或考试 will provide students an opportunity to display their ability to synthesize anthropological findings into clear and well-reasoned arguments and conclusions.

6: 在社会科学学科中有效写作, 使用正确的纪律指引, 分析, 解释, 交流社会科学现象. 学生将能够理解人类学的观点和交流他们的意见, 分析, 以及对这些主题的研究. 在测验和/或考试中评估的论文项目和书面工作将证明这种能力.

Students will have a solid understanding and knowledge of the 4 basic fields of study in 人类学 (physical/biological anthropology, 考古, 文化人类学 & 语言人类学.  Understanding and knowledge of the 4 major basic fields of 人类学 will be assessed through 课堂讨论s, 小测验, 考试, 还有专题/论文作业.

Students will gain an understanding and knowledge of the research methods used by anthropologists and other social and behavioral scientists to discover, 描述, 解释和预测人类行为和群体结构. Understanding and knowledge of anthropological and social science research methods will be assessed through class 小测验, 考试, 还有专题/论文作业.

Students will be able to apply 文化 knowledge and an increased global awareness to anthropological subjects and personal life topics. Cultural knowledge and global awareness related to anthropological subjects and personal life experiences will be assessed through 课堂讨论s, 小测验, 考试, 还有专题/论文作业.

ANTH 1000 is an introductory anthropology course that focuses on the four basic fields of Physical 人类学, 文化人类学, 考古, 和语言人类学. 通过讲座, 课堂讨论, 写作作业, 测验和考试, 这四个领域及其子领域将涉及生物多样性, 人类的社会和文化问题. 主题将包括进化原理, 人类进化, 灵长类动物学, 人类文明的历史发展, 人类的多样性, 文化特征, 传播学与语言学, 身份, 生存和交换, 家庭和亲属关系, 政治与权力, 精神与宗教, 全球变化.


考试35 - 50%

测验15 - 25%

论文/专题占20% - 30%


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一个典型的例子是哈维兰,普林斯,沃尔拉斯, & 麦克布莱德(当前版).

额外的阅读材料将根据教师的喜好而定. Horace Mitchell Miner的《PG电子游戏》就是一个例子

ANTH 1000 will be taught using discussion-based lectures with a focus on helping students understand and apply the 4 basic fields of 人类学. Course assignments will help students think critically using a social scientist's perspective and methodologies, 并允许他们有效地分析和检查全球文化, 人性的多样性, 以及他们周围的社会结构. Different backgrounds and perspectives of students will be welcomed and an inclusive environment for all students will be encouraged and embraced.


最大班级人数: 50
最佳班级规模: 35