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Jazz Festival

February 6, 2024

2024雪学院爵士音乐节特邀艺术家杰夫·贾维斯.  The 音乐节将在埃克尔斯表演艺术中心的PG电子官方免费下载举行 on the Snow College campus.  This one-day festival celebrates jazz through performances, clinics and special performances by our amazing guest artists.  High School, junior 高中和初中的爵士乐团,爵士组合和声乐爵士团体 are invited to perform.  音乐节是非竞争性的,每个乐队都有表演 之后是所有客座艺术家/教师的亲自诊所.  It is 这是为即将到来的评审表演做准备的好方法.  All jazz enthusiasts are invited to attend.  The Festival is hosted by Dr. Steven Erickson, Director of Jazz Studies, Snow College.  The cost is $150 per group/school.


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Festival Adjudicators

  • Assistant Professor David Baker
  • David Baker Headshot
  • 大卫·贝克目前担任爵士助理教授和区域协调员 & Commercial Music at Utah Valley University in Orem, Utah. He received his Doctor 他是北科罗拉多大学爵士研究专业的艺术硕士,专攻表演 and composition. 他一直是一个活跃的表演者超过15年,包括 在林肯中心的爵士乐表演,摩押音乐节,韦尔爵士音乐节,吉恩 哈里斯爵士音乐节,俄克拉何马爵士名人堂,炫目爵士 & Supper Club, 天鹅绒音符,国际贝斯手协会大会,爵士教育 Network Conference, and the Colorado Symphony. He has shared the stage with Greg Gisbert, Ulysses Owens Jr.,鲍勃·谢泼德,科比·沃特金斯,卡门·布拉德福德,科里·克里斯蒂安森, and Drew Zaremba. 同样,他也曾与弗兰基(Frankie)等流行歌手同台演出 Avalon, The Platters, Pixie & The Partygrass Boys, and Kansas. David was awarded the 国际贝斯手协会2019年爵士演奏第一候补 Competition. 大卫是犹他爵士社区的活跃成员,可以看到 regularly performing throughout the state. His longterm collaboration with pianist Alex Sjobeck推出了一张名为《PG电子游戏》(Next Level Records)的双人专辑 garnered positive critical acclaim. He has recently earned a reputation as the regional 立式贝斯专家,曾在2023年国际贝斯手协会发表演讲 Convention on the topic. In addition to his work as a performer/educator, David serves 担任其501(c)(3)非营利组织Hot House West的项目主管 并在他们的旗舰乐团“热屋西摇摆乐团”中担任联合乐队指挥, bassist, and staff arranger. This ensemble released their debut album, Patron Saint Django, in September of this year.

    大卫在美国各地举办大师班和讲座,包括大多数 最近在2023年、2021年和2019年国际贝司手协会大会上 and the 2020 Jazz Educator's Network Conference in New Orleans. His recent research 旨在重新定义早期爵士乐的历史,并着重于多元主义的重要作用 and religion in the creation of jazz. In 2022, David published the article "Opening 门:在爵士历史课堂中使用多元主义作为哲学镜头[j] 爵士乐教育的研究与实践(印第安纳大学出版社).

  • Professor Steven Erickson

Steven Erickson Headshot

Steven Erickson is originally from Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.  He is an accomplished 古典和爵士风格的钢琴家、编曲家和作曲家.  Steve studied piano performance at Brigham Young University (BMus., 1987), Rice University (MMus., 1992), and the University of Kansas.  He served as the director of jazz studies at 1996年至1997年在密苏里州柯克斯维尔的杜鲁门州立大学任教. 

1997年,他加入了美国空军,与空军乐队一起表演了20年, 其中包括在空军顶级爵士乐团“the Airmen of Note.在演奏Note期间,他参加了许多巡演、爵士音乐节和音乐演出 录制了10张cd,并在30多个电台和电视节目中播放, 包括爵士传统系列节目,邀请了克拉克·特里等客座艺术家, 塞维林森博士、尼古拉斯·佩顿、菲尔·伍兹、肯尼·加勒特、沃尔特·维斯科普夫、库尔特·罗森温克尔、 Ron Carter, Al jarau, Kurt Elling, New York Voices等等. He also produced 29 big band and orchestral arrangements for the Air Force band.  

2017年从军队退役后,史蒂夫担任兼职教员 犹他谷大学,杨百翰大学,犹他大学,杨百翰大学爱达荷分校, 他是犹他州爵士艺术节委员会的获得者 Arrangers in 2020.  He has served as clinician and adjudicator at jazz festivals in 犹他州和爱达荷州,并定期与乐队和艺术家在盐湖城和 Utah Valley.

Dr. Ben Nichols

Ben Nichols Headshot

Dr. 本·尼科尔斯是一位多才多艺的萨克斯管演奏家、作曲家和教育家 global performances and collaborations with renowned musicians. He currently serves 担任杨百翰大学萨克斯管助理教授 the saxophone studio and directs the jazz ensemble Synthesis. Nichols is also the 交叉萨克斯管四重奏的创始人,并在《PG电子官方免费下载》杂志上发表了研究报告 in Education and Research Scholarly Journal.

他为屡获殊荣的爵士乐团“合成”做出了重大贡献, 演出了三张专辑,其中包括《PG电子游戏》(The Day After Yesterday) band recognition from DownBeat Magazine. Nichols has received accolades, including 杰出的萨克斯管独奏家在莱昂内尔·汉普顿爵士音乐节和他的角色 the Ryan Innes Band's victory at the Stadium of Fire in 2012.

尼科尔斯是一个多乐器演奏家,从8岁开始弹钢琴,后来是采摘 up the bass clarinet, clarinet, saxophone, and flute. He has showcased his versatility 通过演奏古典曲目和为各种音乐作品做出贡献.

他在波士顿的新英格兰音乐学院(New England Conservatory of Music)学习 在杰里·贝尔冈兹、唐尼·麦卡斯林、米格尔·泽农和杰森·莫兰等爵士传奇人物的带领下. 后来,他在伊利诺伊大学获得了音乐艺术博士学位 Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), achieving a perfect 4.0/4.0 GPA and receiving the Cooke Fellowship.